Cavatina Aleko from the opera "Aleko" by S. Rachmaninov
Philip's aria from the opera "Don Carlos" by G. Verdi
Basilio's aria from the opera "Il barbiere di Siviglia" by G. Rossini
Cavatina Aleko from the opera "Aleko" by S.Rachmaninoff
"O, jesli b mog vyrazit' v zvuke" by L. Malashkin, sl. G. Lishin
The song of Mephistopheles in the cellar of Auerbach M. Mussorgsky, sl. V. I. Goethe
Toreador song from the opera "Carmen" G.Bizet
The finale of Act 1 from the opera "Il barbiere di Siviglia" by G. Rossini
Serenade of Mephistopheles from the dramatic legend "La damnation de Faust"
by G. Berlioz
The exit of Prince Ivan Khovansky from
the opera "Khovanshchina" by M. Mussorgsky
Lanciotto's monologue from the opera "Francesca da Rimini" by S.Rachmaninoff